The Center for Fertility and Gynecology

What Type of Testing is Performed Before Fertility Treatments

Dec 26, 2023 @ 12:47 PM — by Michael Vermesh
Tagged with: Fertility Testing

If you are struggling to conceive, you may be considering in vitro fertilization (IVF) or other fertility treatments. Before any treatment begins, testing must be performed to diagnose and develop a custom treatment plan. At the Center for Fertility and Gynecology, we provide advanced and personalized fertility care to patients in Tarzana, Encino, Bakersfield, Thousand Oaks, and Torrance, CA, to help give patients the best chance of achieving their dreams of expanding their families. 

During your initial consultation, your doctor will discuss your history and any symptoms you may have to develop a custom treatment plan to give you the best chance of success.

Your doctor may order tests such as:

Blood Work

Hormones play a vital role in reproduction and these levels can be examined with simple blood work. Blood work can also indicate if you have underlying health issues that are preventing conception, such as inovulation.

Blood work is also a critical step before treatment such as IVF or intrauterine insemination (IUI) begins. Based on the results, your doctor may prescribe medications to prepare your body for treatment. Blood work is often performed at various phases of fertility treatment and in some cases, medications will be prescribed or altered based on the results.  


Ultrasounds can look at various things such as the condition of the uterus and ovaries and help your doctor determine if there may be issues such as cysts, fibroids, or other abnormalities that may prevent conception. You may have several ultrasounds performed throughout your fertility treatments to monitor things such as follicle growth and the thickness of the endometrial lining. 

Sperm Sample

Male factor infertility accounts for about 50% of fertility struggles. By examining a sperm sample under a microscope, your doctor can determine the quality and volume. Your doctor will look at sperm count, motility, and shape. In some cases, low sperm count or irregularities with the sperm may make conception more difficult. 


This X-ray with dye allows your doctor to get a better image of the uterus and fallopian tubes. During this procedure, a thin tube is inserted through the vagina and cervix, into the uterus. Dye is then injected, giving your doctor a better picture of the structure of the uterus and tubes.

Your doctor will look for issues such as blocked fallopian tubes (which can prevent the egg from traveling to the uterus) and other structural concerns within the uterus.

Genetic Testing

Some couples also choose to test the genetics of embryos. Preimplantation genetic testing is done during IVF before the embryo is implanted.

Preimplantation genetic testing is done for a variety of reasons, including to screen for health concerns. This testing also allows couples to know the gender of the embryo before it is used. This is beneficial to patients who may have concerns about passing certain health issues on to their children or for patients looking to balance their families.

Get Started Today 

Depending on your unique concerns, other tests or procedures may be needed before fertility treatment can begin. We will guide you every step of the way. If you are struggling to get pregnant, fertility testing is the first step. Request a consultation with Dr. Michael Vermesh or Dr. Tannaz Toloubeydokhti at one of our multiple locations in the Los Angeles area today.