The Center for Fertility and Gynecology

How Does Surrogacy Work and When Is It a Good Option?

Feb 24, 2023 @ 02:18 PM — by Michael Vermesh
Tagged with: Surrogacy

There are many ways to start a family or grow your current family. While a lot of focus is put on in vitro fertilization (IVF), many people turn to surrogacy options to help have children.

There is a lot of confusion about different types of surrogacy and how they work. That’s where the Center for Fertility and Gynecology can help. Let’s explain some of the basics of surrogacy and help you understand if it’s a good option for you. You can contact our offices in Tarzana, Thousand Oaks, Encino, Torrance, and Bakersfield, CA, if you’d like more information.

What Is Surrogacy?

Surrogacy is an arrangement in which a woman carries a child to term and gives birth on behalf of another individual or couple. The individual or couple that hires the surrogate are the parents of the infant.

Types of Surrogacy

There are two kinds of surrogacy:

Who Can Be Helped With Surrogacy?

Two notable groups of people benefit from surrogacy.

People Who Cannot Carry a Pregnancy Themselves

If a woman is unable to carry a viable pregnancy to term, surrogacy is a good option to consider. This is particularly important if the woman has experienced recurrent pregnancy loss in the past, is at risk of experiencing another miscarriage, has a medical condition that makes pregnancy a poor option, or is otherwise not suited to carry a pregnancy to term.

Surrogacy can also help single individuals who cannot have a child on their own but want to have a child and be the biological parent.

LGTBQIA Couples Who Want to Build a Family

Many queer and same-sex couples who want to be parents rely on surrogacy arrangements to have children. Depending on the gender and biology of the couples, the fertility treatment can be modified to meet their needs.

Surrogacy With Donor Eggs or Sperm

When a person or couple cannot provide eggs or sperm themselves, surrogacy can still move forward with the use of an egg donor or a sperm donor. Our team can review your options for donor eggs and donor sperm during a consultation.

Is Surrogacy Right for Me?

If you’ve wanted children but have been unable to for various reasons, surrogacy could be the answer you’ve been looking for.

When you visit one of our offices serving Los Angeles County, we can go over your current situation and let you know if traditional surrogacy or gestational surrogacy is a good option.

Learn More About Fertility Treatment

Want to learn more about surrogacy and your other options for fertility treatment? The Center for Fertility and Gynecology can give you all the information you need to make an informed decision. To get the answers you’re looking for, contact our offices in Tarzana, Thousand Oaks, Encino, Torrance, or Bakersfield.