The Center for Fertility and Gynecology

Is Egg Donor IVF Right for You?

Jun 12, 2021 @ 08:23 AM — by Paula Hovell
Tagged with: Egg Donor Ivf

For some, parenthood may seem out of reach, but there are many different ways to become a parent. Egg donation is one possible path that can help couples struggling with infertility or without a female partner become parents. 

When choosing to undergo egg donor IVF in Los Angeles, CA, Tarzana, CA, Bakersfield, CA, and surrounding areas, the Center for Fertility and Gynecology can guide you through the process. 

Why Consider Egg Donor IVF?

Egg donor IVF, or in vitro fertilization, uses eggs from either an anonymous donor or a known donor which are then combined with sperm from the intended father. Resulting embryos are then carried by the intended mother or a surrogate. 

There are many reasons egg donor IVF may be the right option for people wishing to grow their families. Some reasons that couples choose egg donor IVF include: 

What Is the Process for Egg Donor IVF?

Once the decision is made to undergo egg donor IVF couples will need to choose a donor. Donors may be anonymous from a donor agency or they may be a friend or family member. Once a donor is selected, they are extensively screened. Genetic tests, physical evaluations, and other tests may be performed to make sure the donor is healthy and a good candidate for egg donation. 

Egg Retrieval and Fertilization

Once an egg donor is selected, she will undergo ovarian stimulation to encourage multiple eggs to mature. At the same time the intended mother or surrogate will be given medications to prepare the endometrium lining of the uterus for implantation. 

When the eggs have matured, a minor procedure is performed to retrieve the eggs from the donor’s ovaries. The eggs can then be fertilized in a lab using sperm from the intended father or from a sperm donor. 

Fertilized eggs are incubated for several days to allow the embryos time to develop. Once ready, an embryo can be placed within the intended mother or surrogate’s uterus where it is hoped the embryo will implant, resulting in pregnancy. Other embryos may be frozen for future use.

The Benefits of Egg Donor IVF

Egg donor IVF has many benefits for couples who face challenges with female fertility or do not have a female partner. Some of the most notable benefits include:

Is Egg Donor IVF Right for You?

If you and your partner have had difficulty conceiving due to female related fertility issues or are a same sex male couple, egg donor IVF may be the right choice for adding to your family. To find out if egg donor IVF is right for you, call (818) 881-9800 to schedule a consultation