The Center for Fertility and Gynecology

What is Cycle Day 3 Female Fertility Testing?

Sep 30, 2014 @ 10:10 AM — by Michael Vermesh
Tagged with: Female Fertility Fertility Tests

It's important to the team at the Center for Fertility and Gynecology that all of our patients understand the nature of any tests or treatments they undergo. This commitment to patient care and education is what sets us apart from other fertility clinics in the greater Los Angeles area. Our in vitro fertilization (IVF) patients are satisfied with the level of care they receive thanks in large part to such commitment.

With this in mind, we want to turn our attention to Day 3 testing, which is an important part of assessing the needs of our female patients.

What is Day 3 testing?

Day 3 testing refers to a fertility test that women undergo on the third day of their menstrual cycle. This will involve bloodwork, basic ultrasound assessment, and other types of analysis in order to assess issues pertaining to fertility and infertility.

Why is Day 3 testing so important?

Day 3 testing allows fertility specialists to really understand the nature of a patient's health and wellness as well as her current reproductive needs. The blood work allows for a deeper-level analysis while the ultrasound provides specialists with a good understanding of the health of the patient's reproductive organs.

Blood Work and Hormone Levels

By the third day of the cycle when a blood sample is drawn, fertility specialists are able to get readings on the following three hormones that are very important for female fertility:

What do fertility specialists learn from Day 3 testing?

By noting increased or decreased levels of the above three hormones as well as any anatomical abnormalities detected via ultrasound, fertility specialists are able to gauge what kinds of reproductive challenges patients face.

Additional hormone and blood work tests may also be performed in order to get an even more exact assessment of a woman's fertility challenges. It is not uncommon for fertility specialists to also look at a patient's medical history in order to consider various patterns or symptoms of a potential infertility issue.

Defining a Treatment Plan Going Forward

Once a full run of tests has been completed, our fertility specialists will be able to develop a full treatment plan that helps address the unique challenges that the patient faces.

If the infertility is related to hormonal imbalances, for instance, sometimes the issue can be addressed through the use of fertility medications, other prescription drugs, and/or changes to the patient's lifestyle. Should more serious issues be present, such as blockages in the fallopian tubes or issues with the ovaries, other more invasive procedures may be recommended.

Patients will be able to discuss all of their options for treatment with our team in full detail so that they can make confident choices about any procedures that are recommended.

Speak with Our Fertility Specialists

For more information about all of your treatment options to address male infertility and/or female infertility, we encourage you to contact our fertility specialists today. At the Center for Fertility and Gynecology, we will work closely with you to help ensure that you receive the exact treatment that you need.