The Center for Fertility and Gynecology

How to Track Ovulation

Mar 1, 2013 @ 09:00 AM — by
Tagged with: Female Infertility Ivf Fertility

Many couples dream of having a child and creating a family. For some couples, pregnancy does not come as easily as they may have imagined. Couples who have been trying, unsuccessfully, to become pregnant may need to be more specific in their attempts. Knowing the best time of the month to attempt to conceive can dramatically increase the chances of pregnancy. The doctors at our Los Angeles fertility center can educate couples on ovulation tracking methods that can make couples aware of the most fertile days in a woman’s cycle.

For couples who choose to attempt ovulation tracking, there are several methods to consider. The method most likely to be successful will vary for each couple and will depend on factors such as the regularity of the woman’s menstrual cycle and the method that fits most conveniently into the couple’s daily routine and lifestyle. Following are brief descriptions of some of the most common ovulation tracking methods.

Infertility Treatment

Ovulation tracking aids many couples in their quest to become pregnant. However, for some couples, ovulation tracking is unsuccessful due to irregular ovulation cycles or infertility issues. These couples can seek fertility treatment with our experienced doctors. For our patients in Los Angeles, IVF, or in vitro fertilization, is a fertility treatment that has helped many couples realize their dream of parenthood.

Schedule an Appointment

If you have been unsuccessful in your attempts at pregnancy, it may be time to seek help. Schedule an appointment at the Center for Fertility and Gynecology to receive education on ovulation tracking methods or undergo fertility testing to determine if additional treatment is necessary.  Under the skilled care of our doctors, the dream of parenthood can become a reality.