The Center for Fertility and Gynecology

Is Egg Freezing Right for Me? What to Consider When Making Your Choice

Mar 21, 2023 @ 01:36 PM — by Michael Vermesh
Tagged with: Egg Freezing

There are many compelling reasons to consider freezing your eggs (oocyte cryopreservation). The Center for Fertility and Gynecology has helped many single women as well as couples throughout Los Angeles County through the egg preservation process.

We get a lot of questions about the process and whether it’s ultimately a good choice for a person’s needs. We’d like to cover some of the basics of egg freezing so you can make the right choice for your needs. We have offices in Tarzana, Bakersfield, Torrance, and Thousand Oaks as well as a lab in Encino, CA.

How Egg Freezing Works

Patients are given fertility drugs to stimulate the ovaries and induce ovulation.

Is There an Ideal Age to Freeze Your Eggs?

Since age can affect fertility to a certain degree, it’s generally a good idea to preserve your eggs at a younger age.

According to a study in Fertility and Sterility, women who froze their eggs before age 34 experienced a 74% success/live birth rate with their preserved eggs. Viable eggs are retrieved using an ultrasound-guided needle. The viable eggs are then frozen through a special technique that prevents the formation of ice crystals. Frozen eggs can be stored for years for future use.

Reasons You May Want to Freeze Your Eggs

There are many compelling reasons to consider freezing your eggs. Some of these include the following.

You Have Medical Issues That Could Affect Your Fertility

Egg freezing is a good option if you are about to undergo chemotherapy or anticipate a medical condition may affect your ability to have children in the future.

You’re Not Sure If Now Is the Right Time to Start a Family

It takes time and dedication to raise a child. You may want to focus on your education and career before starting a family so you are financially ready to be a nurturing parent later in life.

You Have Personal Reasons for Preserving Fertility

You may have religious, ethical, or deeply personal reasons for deciding to freeze your eggs and become a parent later on.

Is Egg Freezing Worth the Cost?

Let’s answer this question in two parts.

First off, the cost of an egg freezing cycle at our Los Angeles County fertility centers is about $6,500. There are additional fees to consider, including anesthesia. The final price of treatment can be discussed during a consultation. We can also go over different financing options during this consultation process.

Second, the idea of something being worth the price is subjective. Ask yourself if it’s worth spending thousands of dollars right now so you can have a child later on. You may feel it’s an investment in the future that’s worthwhile, or that prioritizing your needs right now will make you a better parent and provider a little later in life.

Have More Questions?

Get Answers from Experienced Fertility Doctors

Are you still curious about egg freezing and the benefits it could have for you? If so, contact our fertility centers serving Los Angeles County. We are eager to hear from you and provide you with additional information so you can make an informed decision. We have locations in Tarzana, Bakersfield, Torrance, and Thousand Oaks as well as a lab in Encino, CA.