The Center for Fertility and Gynecology

Family Planning: What Is the Ideal Age for Egg Freezing?

Nov 23, 2022 @ 09:13 AM — by Michael Vermesh
Tagged with: What Is The Ideal Age For Egg Freezing

The number and quality of your eggs decreases as you age. Patients who aren’t ready to have children, haven’t found the right partner, or have career aspirations they want to prioritize may be faced with the decision of whether they should take steps to preserve their fertility.

Egg freezing is a common way to do this, but you may be wondering about what the ideal age for egg freezing is. The Center for Fertility and Gynecology serving patients throughout Los Angeles, CA, Tarzana, CA, and Bakersfield, CA, can help you determine if you’re a good candidate for egg freezing, starting with your age.

What Is the Best Age for Egg Freezing?

Many fertility doctors recommend that patients freeze their eggs before the age of 35. Typically, the younger you are when you freeze your eggs, the more likely you are to have a safe and successful pregnancy. Between the ages of 30 and 34 is considered the optimal time to freeze since your eggs are still viable and you may be more likely to afford the egg freezing procedure and the storage fees that come with preserving your eggs.

Should I Freeze My Eggs in My 20s?

When you’re in your 20s, your egg quality and quantity are at their highest, but many doctors think this is too early to freeze your eggs because you won’t know that you’ll need to take extra measures to preserve your fertility yet. Unless you have a medical concern, such as chemotherapy or have a diminished ovarian reserve, many doctors would agree that you have plenty of time to conceive children naturally.

Can I Freeze My Eggs if I’m Over 35?

While we highly recommend freezing your eggs by the age of 35, as this will give you time to plan for your family and have a safe pregnancy, you may still be able to freeze your eggs past 35. If you’re 35-40, your doctor will have to extract as many eggs as possible to give you the best chance at a successful pregnancy. Women over the age of 40 are usually considered on a case-by-case basis since the quality of eggs is reduced and IVF success rates are low.

What Else Should I Consider When Freezing Eggs?

While egg freezing can increase the likelihood of having a successful pregnancy in the future, results are not guaranteed. Patients should keep in mind that:

Let Us Help You Plan Your Family

Regardless of your age, the best way to determine if you’re a good candidate for egg freezing is to request a consultation for the procedure with our doctors serving Los Angeles, Tarzana, Bakersfield, and beyond. We invite you to reach out to us with our form or call (818) 881-9800.