The Center for Fertility and Gynecology

Fertility Preservation and Delaying Childbirth: What to Consider

May 15, 2016 @ 03:38 PM — by Dr. Vuk Jovanovic
Tagged with: Fertility Preservation

The Center for Fertility and Gynecology is a trusted name in the Los Angeles area, helping couples and individuals start families and realize their dreams. Whether this involves in vitro fertilization (IVF) or artificial insemination techniques, we approach every procedure with great care and concern for the well-being of our patients.

Fertility preservation is an important treatment option, though it is sometimes misunderstood. We'd like to go over the basics of this process and consider the reasons why people would delay pregnancy and childbirth to a future date.

What Is Fertility Preservation?

Fertility preservation refers to treatments that are designed to preserve eggs, embryos, and sperm so individuals or couples can have children in the future. In essence, we preserve the ability for people to have children well into the future.

How Fertility Preservation Works

Fertility preservation uses cryopreservation techniques. This technique stores cells and tissues in sub-zero temperatures, which freezes the tissues in such a way that they do not deteriorate or are not affected by the aging process. These techniques are careful not to damage the tissue itself, allowing the eggs, embryos, and sperm that are preserved to remain viable years down the road.

When a person or couple decides they are ready to have a baby, the collected cells are carefully thawed and a fertility treatment (such as IVF) can proceed.

There are numerous reasons why fertility preservation may be considered. In general medical, societal, and personal reasons are the most common to consider.

Fertility Preservation for Medical Reasons

If a person is diagnosed with a terminal illness such as cancer, they may have a limited amount of time left. Proper chemotherapy and radiation therapy can help clear cancerous cells, but these treatments can also result in sterility or infertility.

Before a person undergoes a major medical treatment, it's not uncommon for them to use fertility preservation in order to collect eggs or sperm prior to major procedures. This leaves the door open to having a child following treatment, which can mean a lot later in life after surviving cancer or other serious illnesses.

Fertility Preservation for Societal Reasons

There is a lot of pressure in modern society, particularly in the western world, to start families and have children. Yet sometimes a couple or an individual may not be ready, at least at the moment. With these societal pressures in mind, fertility preservation allows eggs and sperm to be collected at a time when people are in their best possible reproductive health. This helps ensure optimal chance for successful pregnancy with as few risks of birth defects.

Fertility Preservation for Personal Reasons

Tied to societal reasons, people have complex motivations and thoughts when it comes to parenthood. The decision to have a child is a major one, and it may be driven by a number of financial factors as well as other circumstances. By turning to cryopreservation, you can take care of personal concerns and give yourself time to make sure you are totally ready to become a parent.

Is Fertility Preservation Right for Me?

Any kind of fertility treatment must be considered carefully, with all options weighed for their positives and negatives. The best way to find out if the fertility preservation process is ideal for you is to schedule a consultation at the practice. We can go over all of the pros and cons in full detail and help you make a smart choice given your situation.

Contact the Center for Fertility and Gynecology

To learn more about fertility preservation and how it can help you start the family of your dreams, be sure to contact our fertility treatment center today. The team of specialists at the Center for Fertility and Gynecology will help you achieve your goals and start the family of your dreams.