The Center for Fertility and Gynecology


Mar 21, 2012 @ 03:02 PM — by SEO Admin
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The tubal reanastomosis, or tubal reversal procedure, is a safe, effective and efficient method to restore fertility in a woman who has previously undergone a tubal ligation. This outpatient procedure takes about 90 minutes to complete and requires a small laparotomy incision in the lower abdomen. Through this incision, we identify the location of the tubal ligation, surgically open, precisely re-align and then reconnect the tubal lumens.

Our technical acumen is reflected by outstanding success rates. We are able to open at least one tube in over 91% of our patients. The success rate in terms of pregnancy however, is more dependent upon the age of the patient than any other factor.

To gain a better understanding of the process, please take a look at this short animated video . For further information, please give us a call.