The Center for Fertility and Gynecology


Mar 20, 2012 @ 09:29 AM — by SEO Admin
Tagged with: Uncategorized

PCOS, which stands for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, is the most common hormonal abnormality in women between 12 and 52 years of age. While the name implies that PCOS is simply a problem confined to the ovaries, we know that the syndrome can actually affect almost every system within the body. Some of the symptoms women with PCOS demonstrate include:

  1. Acne

  2. Thinning hair

  3. Excess hair on the body and or face

  4. Obesity

  5. Acanthosis nigricans (a dark pigmentation in skin folds)

  6. Elevated cholesterol

  7. Abnormal liver tests

  8. Pre-diabetes or diabetes

  9. Depression

  10. Irregular and or heavy menstrual periods

  11. Ovarian cysts

  12. Infertility

  13. And more

Most women with PCOS experience only some of these symptoms. Therefore, two patients with PCOS can have quite different presentations. This is where experience treating the syndrome and understanding its nuances becomes important.

At our center we focus on each patients individual symptoms and situation. We take time to conduct a comprehensive medical history, obtain a thorough physical exam and utilize the latest imaging and laboratory techniques. Only then can we effectively treat this syndrome and hopefully help our patients overcome the barriers it presents.